Professional Preparation of Physicians - WWP

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Professional Preparation of Physicians

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has vie a historic role within the study of medical education geological dating back to the Flexner Report of 1910. nowadays the inspiration continues its leadership role within the scholarship of teaching by conducting the Preparation of the Professions Program in six fields: priesthood, engineers, lawyers, nurses, physicians and academics. These studies investigate that information structures, tutorial practices, assessment approaches and environmental/institutional characteristics optimally support the event of professionals-in-training.

Research Objectives:

In the doctor study, the team is work each the common challenges of making ready physicians for advanced apply and a few of the distinctive curricula, pedagogies and assessment practices that are developed to satisfy these challenges. The central focus of the investigation is on the skilled development of physicians-in-training at 3 key points in their clinical education: 1) the first exposure to “doctoring”; 2) the third year clerkships; and 3) the residency. At every level, 3 types of learning are going to be examined: learning the data to suppose sort of a doctor, learning skills to perform skilfully, and learning expertness to act responsibly. Outcomes of the study can embrace samples of innovative info structures, promising pedagogies and thoughtful approaches to assessment, all of that support the skilled development of learners; a critique of inadequate instructional practices; and a series of recommendations for strengthening clinical education.


Choosing Your Medical Specialty

All physicians should have residency coaching during a explicit medical science, and plenty of active physicians prolong to focus on a selected space of drugs. the foremost oft entered specialties, as derived from National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) information, square measure listed below.

Choosing a specific specialty is usually troublesome. the method typically happens over a amount of your time, and there's many chance to alter your call on the method. whereas most medical students settle into a specific career path throughout their third or fourth year, some begin down a precise path and alter on the method throughout or once their post-graduate education.
Please use this section of the location to guide your decision-making method. The Specialty Descriptions section contains info regarding twenty individual specialties.

Speciality Description

The following data is provided for every of the twenty specialties listed at left:Description of the specialty: This section provides a quick summary of the sort of clinical observe setting, patient population seen and regular clinical activities of the many specialists within the field (REFERENCES: Graduate Medical Education Directory) 

Length of coaching needed for board eligibility: This section provides data on the least length of coaching needed for the resident to become eligible for board certification within the specialty. (REFERENCE: Graduate Medical Education Directory)
Up-to-date matching results for U.S. senior medical students WHO applied for a residency coaching position within the specialty: This section provides data on the quantity of categorical/advanced positions offered, % of U.S. seniors matched within the specialty and variety of unmatched applier (or unmatched North American country seniors). (REFERENCES: National Resident Matching Program knowledge, medical specialty Matching Program, and medicine Matching Program.)
IMPORTANT: an entire summary with careful data regarding these matching programs and also the matching method results is obtainable at the online sites every|for every} of the freelance matching programs (web links provided in each specialty section) also as within the journal educational drugs, that annually publishes a outline of the NRMP Match shortly when completion of the matching method.
Subspecialty/Fellowship coaching: This section provides data on subspecialty/advanced coaching programs that ar on the market to physicians WHO have completed residency training within the specialty.(REFERENCE:Graduate Medical Education Directory)
Career data: FREIDA physician hands data for every specialty includes applied math information on the quantity of positions/programs for residency coaching, resident work-hours, resident work surroundings and compensation, employment standing upon completion of program and work surroundings for those getting into observe in every specialty.

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